Take Action

Police officers all over the country take an oath to protect and serve our communities, keep the peace, enforce laws, and in various Counties; run our jails and courthouses. Police are necessary to protect our constitutional human right to life, liberty, and safety. 

Budget cuts due to COVID-19 have put a huge strain on police funding. This overall budget cut will also affect different jurisdictions and jobs within each police department.

If you believe that Police are a necessity in enforcing laws to keep our community safe.  Then make you voice be heard that you want the police and need the police in our communities. Write your Representative so you are heard and tell him/her to support H. CON. RES.5


1st Session

H. CON. RES. 5


January 9, 2023

Mr. Tiffany (for himself, Mrs. Hinson, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mrs. Lesko, Mr. Langworthy, Mr. Garbarino, Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania, Mr. Wenstrup, and Mrs. Chavez-DeRemer) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Expressing support for the Nation’s law enforcement agencies and condemning any efforts to defund or dismantle law enforcement agencies.

Whereas law enforcement officers protect the American people from criminals who seek to perpetrate violence and harm innocent lives regardless of the political circumstances of the day;

Whereas the brave men and women of the law enforcement community continually summon the courage to fulfill their solemn oath to ensure the safety of our communities and provide peace of mind for our Nation’s citizens;

Whereas America’s law enforcement community also seeks to assist the communities they serve through a variety of nontraditional means, including nonarrest pathways that connect individuals with treatment and recovery programs to overcome addiction, and juvenile diversion programs to prevent minors from entering the criminal justice system;

Whereas supporting law enforcement officers with the equipment, training, and funding necessary to serve our communities and keep our streets safe has long been a bipartisan issue;

Whereas law enforcement officers willingly face dangerous circumstances and the threat of serious bodily injury or death on a daily basis to ensure the safety of all Americans;

Whereas the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum’s 2021 Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report detailed that 458 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in 2021, an increase of 55 percent from the previous year, including 62 officers who were killed in firearms-related incidents;

Whereas protests have been hijacked by violent extremists seeking to sow discord, damage property, loot businesses, and inflict harm against civilians and law enforcement officers;

Whereas law enforcement officers have been run over, shot, hit with objects, and stabbed attempting to maintain peace and the rule of law;

Whereas progressive politicians and interest groups have responded to this violence with calls to defund State and local law enforcement agencies across the Nation;

Whereas defunding or otherwise handcuffing law enforcement officers will make officers less likely to intervene in dangerous situations and will result in law enforcement pulling back from the neighborhoods they are entrusted to protect;

Whereas violent crime increases when law enforcement is forced to withdraw from neighborhoods;

Whereas the vilification of the Nation’s law enforcement officers and the embracing of hateful rhetoric against these brave men and women only places them further in harm’s way;

Whereas these brave men and women must operate in an environment where their moral and legal authority is constantly being scrutinized, and they undertake the critical yet difficult task of addressing the actions of those affected by addiction, homelessness, and mental illness; and

Whereas efforts to defund police departments will cause irreparable and lasting damage to the Nation: Now, therefore, be it

That Congress—

(1)offers its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Nation’s law enforcement officers who protect and serve our communities;

(2)recognizes the great sacrifice our law enforcement officers make to keep the Nation safe; and

(3)rejects the misguided and dangerous efforts to defund and dismantle the Nation’s State and local law enforcement agencies.