A 527 Political Organization

The POSC PAC is a non-party political organization(not a charity) established and regulated under section 527 of the tax code. Our goal is to advocate for the election of more Candidates that support the efforts of our law enforcement officials and share the same agenda

It is the mission of POLICE OFFICERS SUPPORT COMMITTEE PAC to advocate for the election and re-election of legislators that support and vote for legislation that will protect law enforcement officers’ interests and rights through the funding for better training programs, access to more body cameras and lifesaving equipment, which will help to defend both citizens and our police against attacks from terrorists and violent criminals.


Given the nature of police work, this makes sense. Officers are frequently required to work in high-risk situations, engaging in high-speed chases and confronting potentially violent individuals. The most common cause of workplace fatalities among police officers is direct violence from other people, but a close second is transportation accidents.

Dangers to Law Enforcement Officers

Police work is highly stressful, since it is one of the few occupations where employees are asked continually to face physical dangers and to put their lives on the line at any time. Police officers are well aware of the dangers of the job and are as prepared as they can be for these dangers. The difficult part is dealing with the unknown, the politics and internal stressors that they had no idea would be a daily part of the job. We need our Legislators to step up and support Organizational and individual programs for coping with the dangers of the job and increased practical stress training for police personnel, and training programs for spouses so they can better understand potential problems.

Support H.R. 962/S. 1888, 

the “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act”

Police Officers Support Committee PAC

14497 Potomac Mills Rd #1158

Woodbridge, VA 22192



We apologize if you have been inconvenienced by one of our political calls.  Our organization strives to be legally compliant.

​We maintain an in-house Do-Not-Call list and will gladly add any name to it that has been submitted.

Below are some excerpts from the FTC & FCC website for your reference.

FTC - Do Not Call Registry

There are some exemptions to the Do Not Call rules. Because of the limits to FTC’s authority, the Registry does not apply to political calls

National DNC Registry Rules

While the National Do Not Call (DNC) Registry prohibits sales calls without consent, calls that are not considered “telephone solicitation” such as political calls and charitable calls are allowed without consent.

This advice is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.